Embracing God's Purpose in 2025
As we step into a new year, it's time to reflect on our spiritual journey and recommit ourselves to God's purpose for our lives. This year presents an opportunity to move beyond mere survival and into a season of thriving, hope, and spiritual growth. But to do so, we must heed the call to be true disciples of Christ, actively engaging in the Great Commission to evangelize and make disciples of all nations.
The state of the modern church is a cause for concern. Many congregations have become complacent, offering "cotton candy" Christianity instead of the solid spiritual nourishment found in God's Word. Churches are declining, outreach events are ineffective, and even pastors are neglecting evangelism. It's a sobering reminder that we, as believers, need to rekindle our passion for Christ and His mission.
To inspire us in this pursuit, we can look to the example of Philip the evangelist in Acts 8. His story provides three key lessons for how we can be used by God in powerful ways:
1. Rely on the Spirit - Philip's journey begins with a divine prompting. An angel of the Lord instructs him to "Arise and go" to a desert road. Without hesitation or struggle, Philip obeys. This immediate response demonstrates the kind of faith that pleases God – a willingness to step out in obedience, even when we don't fully understand the plan.
2. Relay the Gospel - When Philip encounters the Ethiopian eunuch, he doesn't launch into a prepared speech. Instead, he begins by asking a question: "Do you understand what you are reading?" This simple inquiry opens the door for a profound spiritual conversation.
3. Ready to Baptize - As Philip explains the gospel, the Ethiopian eunuch's heart is stirred. Seeing some water, he asks, "What can stand in the way of my being baptized?" Philip's readiness to baptize the new believer on the spot demonstrates the importance of immediate discipleship and obedience to Christ's commands.
Applying Philip's Example Today
As we reflect on Philip's story, we're confronted with some challenging questions:
To be effective witnesses for Christ in 2025 and beyond, we need to cultivate these qualities in our lives:
Spiritual Sensitivity: We must stay connected to God through prayer, worship, and meditation on His Word. This helps us discern His voice and promptings in our daily lives.
Biblical Knowledge: Knowing Scripture equips us to share the gospel effectively and answer questions seekers may have. As 2 Timothy 2:15 exhorts us, we should strive to be workers "who do not need to be ashamed and who correctly handle the word of truth."
Compassion for the Lost: We need to see people as God sees them – souls in need of salvation. This perspective can fuel our passion for evangelism and help us overcome fears or hesitations about sharing our faith.
Humble Obedience: Like Philip, who left a thriving ministry to go to the desert at God's command, we must be willing to follow God's leading even when it doesn't make sense to us.
Readiness to Disciple: Our mission doesn't end with leading someone to Christ. We must be prepared to walk alongside new believers, helping them grow in their faith and obedience to God.
A Call to Action
As we begin this new year, let's challenge ourselves to move beyond spiritual complacency. The world desperately needs to hear the hope-filled message of Jesus Christ, and God wants to use each of us as His messengers.
Here are some practical steps we can take:
Commit to daily prayer and Bible study to deepen our relationship with God
Ask the Holy Spirit to increase our love for the lost and our boldness in sharing the gospel
Look for opportunities to engage in spiritual conversations with those around us
Get involved in our local church's discipleship and outreach efforts
Be ready to share our testimony and the core truths of the gospel at any time
Remember the powerful words of (Romans 13:11) "And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed."
Let 2025 be a year of spiritual awakening and renewal. May we, like Philip, be ready and willing to be used by God in whatever way He chooses. As we Rely on the Spirit, Relay the gospel, and stand Ready to disciple others, we can play our part in fulfilling the Great Commission and bringing glory to God in our generation.
The time is now. The harvest is plentiful. Will you answer the call to be a faithful disciple and disciple-maker for Christ in 2025?
The state of the modern church is a cause for concern. Many congregations have become complacent, offering "cotton candy" Christianity instead of the solid spiritual nourishment found in God's Word. Churches are declining, outreach events are ineffective, and even pastors are neglecting evangelism. It's a sobering reminder that we, as believers, need to rekindle our passion for Christ and His mission.
To inspire us in this pursuit, we can look to the example of Philip the evangelist in Acts 8. His story provides three key lessons for how we can be used by God in powerful ways:
1. Rely on the Spirit - Philip's journey begins with a divine prompting. An angel of the Lord instructs him to "Arise and go" to a desert road. Without hesitation or struggle, Philip obeys. This immediate response demonstrates the kind of faith that pleases God – a willingness to step out in obedience, even when we don't fully understand the plan.
- As we seek to be used by God, we must cultivate this same sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's guidance. It requires being in tune with God's voice, ready to respond to His promptings, whether they come through an inner conviction, circumstances, or even supernatural means.
2. Relay the Gospel - When Philip encounters the Ethiopian eunuch, he doesn't launch into a prepared speech. Instead, he begins by asking a question: "Do you understand what you are reading?" This simple inquiry opens the door for a profound spiritual conversation.
- Philip's approach teaches us the importance of meeting people where they are spiritually. He listens first, allowing the Ethiopian to express his confusion about the scripture he's reading. Then, "beginning with that very passage of Scripture, he told him the good news about Jesus."
- This encounter reminds us that effective evangelism isn't about having all the answers or delivering a polished presentation. It's about being ready to engage in genuine conversations, listening attentively, and then pointing people to Jesus through God's Word.
3. Ready to Baptize - As Philip explains the gospel, the Ethiopian eunuch's heart is stirred. Seeing some water, he asks, "What can stand in the way of my being baptized?" Philip's readiness to baptize the new believer on the spot demonstrates the importance of immediate discipleship and obedience to Christ's commands.
- This part of the story challenges us to be prepared not just to share the gospel, but to help new believers take their first steps of faith. It's a reminder that our role doesn't end with evangelism – we're called to make disciples, which involves ongoing teaching and mentoring.
Applying Philip's Example Today
As we reflect on Philip's story, we're confronted with some challenging questions:
- Are we as sensitive to the Spirit's leading as Philip was?
- Do we have the same passion for sharing the gospel?
- Are we equipped to explain Scripture and point people to Jesus?
- Are we ready to help new believers grow in their faith?
To be effective witnesses for Christ in 2025 and beyond, we need to cultivate these qualities in our lives:
Spiritual Sensitivity: We must stay connected to God through prayer, worship, and meditation on His Word. This helps us discern His voice and promptings in our daily lives.
Biblical Knowledge: Knowing Scripture equips us to share the gospel effectively and answer questions seekers may have. As 2 Timothy 2:15 exhorts us, we should strive to be workers "who do not need to be ashamed and who correctly handle the word of truth."
Compassion for the Lost: We need to see people as God sees them – souls in need of salvation. This perspective can fuel our passion for evangelism and help us overcome fears or hesitations about sharing our faith.
Humble Obedience: Like Philip, who left a thriving ministry to go to the desert at God's command, we must be willing to follow God's leading even when it doesn't make sense to us.
Readiness to Disciple: Our mission doesn't end with leading someone to Christ. We must be prepared to walk alongside new believers, helping them grow in their faith and obedience to God.
A Call to Action
As we begin this new year, let's challenge ourselves to move beyond spiritual complacency. The world desperately needs to hear the hope-filled message of Jesus Christ, and God wants to use each of us as His messengers.
Here are some practical steps we can take:
Commit to daily prayer and Bible study to deepen our relationship with God
Ask the Holy Spirit to increase our love for the lost and our boldness in sharing the gospel
Look for opportunities to engage in spiritual conversations with those around us
Get involved in our local church's discipleship and outreach efforts
Be ready to share our testimony and the core truths of the gospel at any time
Remember the powerful words of (Romans 13:11) "And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed."
Let 2025 be a year of spiritual awakening and renewal. May we, like Philip, be ready and willing to be used by God in whatever way He chooses. As we Rely on the Spirit, Relay the gospel, and stand Ready to disciple others, we can play our part in fulfilling the Great Commission and bringing glory to God in our generation.
The time is now. The harvest is plentiful. Will you answer the call to be a faithful disciple and disciple-maker for Christ in 2025?
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