Sunday School Now Available!
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Then little children were brought to Him:
It is marvelous that in the midst of Jesus’ teaching on marriage, parents brought their children to be blessed. Today, parents should still bring their children to Jesus; He wants to bless them and welcome them into the kingdom of heaven.
It is marvelous that in the midst of Jesus’ teaching on marriage, parents brought their children to be blessed. Today, parents should still bring their children to Jesus; He wants to bless them and welcome them into the kingdom of heaven.
On Sunday mornings, we desire to partner with parents/guardians in building a sure biblical foundation. This is a great time for children to connect, play and grow together as parents are growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
[Our toddlers through Kindergarten will receive a snack during class time.]
Nursery : Infants through 2 year olds
Wiggles, giggles and lots of love is what comes from these precious little ones. Each service time we provide a clean, safe environment filled with love and care for your child so that you may attend service. Our servants pray over the little ones, recite scripture, sing songs, and teach simple Bible Stories from God’s Word. Our desire is to partner with the parents/guardians as we plant those seeds from God’s truth in to each life.
Pre-School: 3 year olds through Kinder
Preschoolers are full of energy and need creative ways to keep them engaged. They are little sponges. We don’t want to waste the time by just “playing”, we are intentional with our time. Our classroom time is filled with interactive worship, Bible time, crafts, snacks, games and activities that help SOAK up the Word of God. It is our desire to partner with the parents/guardians as we begin to build a solid foundation in each life.
For more information about our Pre-School, please call the church at:
(941) 488-7773.